Zelu Beqi (/ˈzelu/ /ˈbeqi/ [individual specimen / part (of machine)] [six]) is an unthinkably massive construct in the form of a massive hexapodal war machine, which carries a city on its back. The construct, city, and city-mind all share the same name, and should be referred to as a singular entity. Zelu Beqi is also known as: Elf, Wood Bane, Suneater, Unit Six, Irusbane, and City-Fortress Zelu Beqi.
The name Zelu Beqi is derived from the Z̚oman language, as the city-mind AMS-06 "Zelu Beqi" is a refurbished Z̚oman construct. Unfortunately, AMS-06 "Zelu Beqi" is unable to comment on the matter as it now speaks Constructi.
Zelu Beqi is a mobile city-fortress designed for "Eradication Operations". Due to its size (60 km2 (23 mi2) of flat area, volume unknown.) and estimated mass (125,208,467 tons (123,230,990 imperial tons)) combined with the city-fortress's current inability to shift out of first gear, Zelu Beqi has a top speed of 0.1 km/day (0.062 mi/day). To supplement its slow speed, Zelu Beqi possesses a fleet of Mobile Base Crawlers, enormous tracked vehicles the size of large castles, which it can deploy from its undercarriage as needed for Ranged Operations. Each Mobile Base Crawler is a military base unto itself and comes with a fraction of Zelu Beqi's armament, minus the Linear Quintessence Beam Canon.
Zelu Beqi is fully capable of destroying metropolitan areas within a 48 hour span. It possesses sufficient firepower to level any known city within a four hour period, and can reduce any known settlement to a glass-lined crater within eight hours. Zelu Beqi is known to have destroyed a dozen Wood Elven settlements in this fashion since its activation at a rate of one per decade on average (Rate of destruction is due to speed, not firepower.)
The military forces of Zelu Beqi is one of the largest military forces in terms of personnel with a standing army of 2,395,993. They primarily manufacture their personnel but do accept volunteers. Zelu Beqi's civilian population exist primarily to support military infrastructure, and run the city-fortress's mining, refining,and manufacturing systems when the city-fortress is stationary. However, all of Zelu Beqi's citizens are fully trained as soldiers and can be activated for defense, offense, or special military operations.
Zelu Beqi's Armed Forces are a contender for the world's most powerful military. The military budget of Zelu Beqi is equal to its GDP, which is estimated to be approximately 1.89 trillion crowns, and is the 12th highest military budget in the world while being unquestionably the most efficiently spent. Zelu Beqi accoutns for 13% of the global defense spending, based on Imperial calculations. Zelu Beqi's Armed Forces have significant capabilities in both defense and power projection due to its large budget, and stockpile of advanced and powerful archo-technologies which enables a widespread deployment of the force anywhere Wood Elves can be found. Zelu Beqi has established around 800 permanent military bases located within the Ancestor's Range, Highpeaks, Warding Range, and southern Bulwark to assist with this purpose.
Zelu Beqi's Air Force is the world's largest air force (and the only one to posses heavier-than-air aircraft), while the Zelu Beqi Logistics Division is the world's second largest. Provided the city-fortress itself is not required for an operation, Zelu Beqi's Armed Forces can arrive and begin operating within any Wood Elven region within seventeen hours and have an established Disposable Forward Operating Base within six days.
The whole of Zelu Beqi's military might appears to be dedicated to the eradication of all Wood Elven life and culture. While powerful, the city-fortress is primarily only capable of preventing further Wood Elven expansion to the south, while occasionally removing a Wood Elven city from existence.
Zelu Beqi (the Machine-Mind) was discovered by the Constructi group known as Sutosians during the Constructi Civil War of 1489 deep beneath Mount Skypillar. The Sutosians elected to use the ruined city as their new home and began repairs as is the Constructi way. In the year 1534 Zelu Beqi itself was discovered in a potentially repairable state. Due to it being the first of such machines found mostly intact, the Sutosians diverted the majority of their resources to restoring the Machine-Mind, hoping it may hold answers to their people's existential questions.
Zelu Beqi was brought online in 1678, and after being taught Constructi, inquired as to the state of the world. The Sutosians provided a detailed history, at which point the Machine-Mind came to the conclusion that it hated Wood Elves and would really prefer it if they stopped existing. The Sutosians were in agreement, and lamented their ineffectiveness as a fighting force and subsequent inability to even reduce the world's suffering. While Zelu Beqi's primary dataloop was damaged such that it could not remember its primary functions, it did poses a great deal of military data and consequently chose to become the Sutosians's defacto leader and began repairing and reactivating dormant Z̚oman military facilities within its ruined structure.
By 1789, Zelu Beqi had gained its present form, though it had not left its cavern. The city-fortress was not considered complete, but was forced into action during an incident known as the Iruswalk, wherein the God Irus and many of his Lieutenants took to Eyom in active search of an unknown entity, object, or location. Several villages near Zelu Beqi's location was put at risk by the presence of the Lord of Dispair, which Zelu Beqi deemed byond unacceptable and chose to activate its mobile platform early. Zelu Beqi was able to destroy the Demon Lord with its Quintessence Beam, due to catching the demon by surprise (One does not expect a city to burst from the ground and attack them with directed energy weapons), but sustained severe damage to its transmissions when pushing the mountain off of itself in order to attack.
Zelu Beqi has been mobile since it emerged, stopping only for a year or two from time to time to mine for more resources and effect repairs, retrofits, upgrades, and continue construction of its final form. It continues to serve as the Sutosians home.
Civic Infrastructure
Zelu Beqi possesses a city-wide Aethary Link which provides Aethary access anywhere within its metropolitan. This allows citizens who can afford the relevant devices access in their places of work, and rarely homes.
Zelu Beqi has an animal control department which works to enforce local ordinances relating to the control, impoundment, and disposition of animals.
Zelu Beqi has an Office of Civil Groundskeeping, which works to enforce local ordinances relating to the construction and upkeep up of all plant life, water features, and other natural decorations within Zelu Beqi. They are also responsible for the maintenance of these features. Notably, the OCG is not responsible for Zelu Beqi's parks.
Zelu Beqi has an Office of Civil Vicary, which is responsible for providing a livelyhood for all officialy recognised religious figures within Zelu Beqi.
Zelu Beqi has a government-funded child care program, overseen by the local Department of Nursemaids, which is responsible for providing childcare to working-class citizens according to local ordinances.
Zelu Beqi has a Gravedigger's Guild, which is responsible for collecting the dead and laying them to rest according to all applicable laws and religious customs.
Zelu Beqi has a Guild of Nurses, which is tasked with caring for the elderly and infirm in accordance with local ordinances, religious values, and customs.
Zelu Beqi has a Department of Firefighters, which is responsible for organizing fire fighting efforts during a fire and enforcing local ordinances relating to fire safety.
Zelu Beqi has a Highwayman's Guild, which is tasked with maintaining the roads and highways leading into town as well as keeping them safe for travelers.
Zelu Beqi has a Hall of Slayers, which is tasked with maintaining the roads and highways leading into town as well as keeping them safe for travelers.
Zelu Beqi has a monistary of an order of Civil Monks, who provide divine-related services to the general public and maintain Zelu Beqi's public wards, blessings, and other arcane systems.
Zelu Beqi has an Arcane Academy which provides higher education in the arcane sciences.
Zelu Beqi possesses a Galvanic Power Grid, which brings galvanic current to most if not all buildings in town, and permits a great many consumer goods to function within the city-fortress. Zelu Beqi's grid is powered by mana accumulators.
Zelu Beqi's old civil lighting system was converted to Galvanic Lamps recently, and expanded to provide nighttime illumination to all city streets.
Zelu Beqi has a first rate hospital which caters to anyone in need of long term medical care.
Zelu Beqi has a library, which keeps a large collection of books, scrolls, and archives all manner of physical items. While not open to the public, the librarians and scholars employed by the library will assist anyone with their research needs, and wealthy individuals can purchase membership to access the library's materials themselves. In spite of being generally closed to the public, the library has a room with several Aether Linked devices available to the public during business hours.
Zelu Beqi has a Parks and Recreation Department, which is responsible for the construction, management, and usage rights for all of its parks and parklands. They are not to be confused with the Office of Civil Groundskeeping as they do not hold authority over nor responsibility for Zelu Beqi's natural decorations nor waterways.
Zelu Beqi has a Guild of Roadworkers, who are responsible for maintaining the roadways and public paths within town. They also have the duty of enforcing all civil laws relating to the roadways.
Zelu Beqi has a public schooling program overseen by the Hall of Sages who has the responsibility of ensuring access to affordable high-quality education in all basic classes (Reading, Writing, Mathmatics, General Sciences, General Arcana, and Social Education) is made available to all citizens.
Zelu Beqi has a public septic system, which allows its citizens to have indoor bathrooms. The septic system is overseen by the League of Sewerkeepers, who posses the legal authority to enforce all laws relating to the septic system, and are also tasked with its maintenance and upkeep.
Zelu Beqi is home to a University which provides higher education in a variety of fields, and also serves as a research institute for those same fields.
The following information was obtained by local agents, on the requirment we deliver a copy of the cencus to the City-Fortress's curent target so they could see how irrelevent their premtive strike had been.
Dairy Farmers: 705
Farmers: 1015
Farm Laborer: 1676
Hunters: 1197
Milk Maids: 798
Ranchers: 432
Ranch Hands: 870
Shepherds: 817
Farmland: 1354300 m2
Cattle and Similar Creatures: 83805
Poultry: 1005669
Swine: 67044
Sheep: 3352
Goats: 670
Horses, Mounts, and Beasts of Burden: 33522
Arms and Toolmakers: 698
Blacksmiths: 779
Bookbinders: 399
Buckle-makers: 446
Cabinetmakers: 859
Candlemakers: 1197
Carpenters: 1176
Clothmakers: 985
Coach and Harness Makers: 360
Coopers: 882
Copper, Brass, Tin, Zinc, and Lead Workers: 444
Copyists: 319
Cutlers: 284
Fabricworkers: 684
Farrier: 1812
Furriers: 220
Glassworkers: 1117
Gunsmiths: 705
Harness-Makers: 322
Hatters: 615
Hosiery Workers: 236
Jewelers: 376
Leatherwrights: 882
Locksmiths: 331
Matchstick makers: 532
Musical Instrument Makers: 500
Painters, Structures and Fixtures: 403
Paper Workers: 485
Plasterers: 472
Pursemakers: 558
Roofers: 338
Ropemakers: 352
Rugmakers: 319
Saddlers: 588
Scabbardmakers: 691
Scalemakers: 356
Scientific, Surgical, and Optical Instrument Makers: 220
Sculptors, Structures and Fixtures: 319
Shoemakers: 325
Soap and Tallow Workers: 971
Tailors: 2031
Tanners: 424
Upholsterers: 492
Watchmakers: 441
Weavers: 859
Whitesmiths: 277
Adventuring Goods Retellers: 234
Arcana Sellers: 229
Beer-Sellers: 453
Booksellers: 532
Butchers: 859
Chandlers: 779
Chicken Butchers: 918
Entrepreneurs: 362
Fine Clothiers: 906
Fishmongers: 859
Florists: 201
Potion Sellers: 588
Resellers: 1862
Spice Merchants: 459
Wine-sellers: 620
Wheelwright: 507
Woodsellers: 313
Service workers
Bakers: 1596
Barbers: 1719
Coachmen: 492
Cooks: 1523
Doctors: 807
Gamekeepers: 540
Grooms: 296
Hairdressers: 1117
Healers: 870
Housekeepers: 1117
Housemaids: 1862
House Stewards: 1047
Inns: 322
Laundry maids: 644
Maidservants: 1081
Nursery Maids: 588
Pastrycooks: 1117
Restaurateur: 1764
Tavern Keepers: 1396
Specialized Laborer
Ashworkers: 489
Bleachers: 296
Chemical Workers: 192
Coal Heavers: 684
In-Town Couriers: 728
Long Haul Couriers: 744
Dockyard Workers: 744
Gas Workers: 167
Hay Merchants: 286
Leech Collectors: 893
Millers: 744
Miners: 761
Oilmen and Polishers: 540
Postmen: 779
Pure Finder: 427
Skinners: 931
Sugar Refiners: 190
Tosher: 549
Warehousemen: 1155
Watercarriers: 788
Watermen, Bargemen, etc.: 1015
Skilled Laborers
Accountants: 444
Alchemist: 496
Clerk: 657
Dentists: 335
Educators: 971
Engineers: 472
Gardeners: 331
Mages: 250
Plumbers: 372
Pharmacist: 389
Professors: 144
Scientists: 244
Wizards: 148
Civil Servants
Adventurers: 319
Bankers: 468
Civil Clerks: 798
Civic Iudex: 376
Consultants: 224
Exorcist: 761
Fixers: 403
Kami Clerk: 677
Landlords: 705
Lawyers: 416
Legend Keepers: 598
Monks, Monastic: 1197
Monks, Civic: 1015
Historian, Oral: 728
Historian, Textual: 419
Policemen, Sheriffs, etc.: 761
Priests: 1241
Rangers: 472
Rat Catchers: 511
Scholars: 549
Spiritualist: 644
Slayers: 188
Storytellers: 1314
Cottage Industries
Brewers: 985
Comfort Services: 1289
Enchanters: 376
Herbalists: 360
Jaminators: 1155
Needleworkers: 1081
Potters: 568
Preserve Makers: 859
Quilters: 478
Seamsters: 1862
Spinners: 1047
Tinker: 368
Weaver: 798
Actors: 368
Architects: 131
Bards: 523
Costumers: 206
Dancers: 419
Drafters: 222
Engravers: 270
Fine Furniture Carpenters: 166
Glaziers: 364
Inlayers: 328
Musicians: 931
Painters, Art: 174
Playwrights: 352
Sculptors, Art: 307
Wood Carvers: 985
Writers: 1081
Produce Industries
Butter Churners: 1117
Canners: 882
Cheesmakers: 1155
Ice Merchants: 149
Millers: 670
Picklers: 588
Smokers: 435
Stockmakers: 368
Tobacconists: 540
Tallowmakers: 798
123359 of Zelu Beqi's Civilian population work within a Foundational Occupation.
6805 work in Agriculture 28081 work as Craftsmen 10681 work as Merchants 19898 work as Service Workers 13102 work as General Laborers 5253 work as Skilled Laborers 14784 work as Civil Servants 11226 work in Cottage Industries 6827 work as Artists 6702 work in Produce Industries
195103 of Zelu Beqi's population do not work in a formal occupation, but do contribute to the war effort. 16761 (5%) are noncontributers.
Infantry Unit
Infantry Officers: 409
Infantryman: 27474
Indirect Fire Infantryman: 14210
Undetermined Infantry: 10845
Infantry Senior Sergeant: 51513
Corps of Engineers
General Engineer: 390
Construction Engineer Technician: 3323
Geospatial Information Technician: 3170
Engineer Senior Sergeant: 3887
Combat Engineer: 6868
Bridge Crewmember: 6868
Diver: 8242
Quarrying Specialist: 7359
Construction Engineering Supervisor: 7105
Plumber: 7359
Firefighter: 7925
Power Production Specialist: 7105
Power Line Distribution Specialist: 7631
Interior Electrician: 6646
Technical Engineer: 7105
Road Construction Equipment Operator: 7359
Carpentry and Masonry Specialist: 6868
General Engineering Supervisor: 6646
Geospatial Engineer: 7631
Combat Engineering Senior Sergeant: 4479
Field Artillery Branch
Field Artillery Officer: 399
Field Artillery Technician: 4205
Cannon Crewmember: 12878
Fire Support Specialist: 6646
High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Crewmember: 7359
Field Artillery Firefinder Radar Operator: 6439
Field Artillery Senior Sergeant: 4384
Air Defense Artillery Branch
Air Defense Artillery Officer: 404
Command and Control Systems Integrator: 3122
Air And Missile Defense Tactician: 3270
Air and Missile Defense Technician: 3377
Air Defense Artillery Immaterial: 3323
Fire Control Enhanced Operator/Maintainer: 4683
Air Defense Battle Management System Operator: 11447
Air Defense Enhanced Early Warning System Operator: 12120
Air and Missile Defense Crewmember: 12120
Avenger Crew Member: 9812
Launching Station Enhanced Operator/Maintainer: 12120
Air Defense Artillery Senior Sergeant: 6646
Aviation Branch
Aviation Officer: 385
Aviation Combined Arms Operations: 419
Aviation All-Source Intelligence Officer: 404
Aviation Maintenance Officer: 394
Air Traffic and Air Space Management Technician: 4384
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Technician: 4384
Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist: 10302
Ammunition Specialist: 12120
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist: 14718
Tank System Maintainer: 12120
Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic: 13737
Utilities Equipment Repairer: 10845
Power Generation Equipment Repairer: 10845
Allied Trades Specialist: 13737
Small Arms/Towed Artillery Repairer: 12878
Fire Control Repairer: 9812
Track Vehicle Repairer: 10845
Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer: 10302
Construction Equipment Repairer: 10845
Fighting Vehicle System Maintainer: 11447
Self Propelled Artillery Systems Maintainer: 12878
Infanty Transport Systems Maintainer: 13737
Maintenance Supervisor: 9812
Senior Maintenance Supervisor: 10845
Land Combat Galvanic Missile System Repairer: 10845
Air Traffic Control Equipment Repairer: 8958
Radio and Communications Security Equipment Repairer: 10845
Arcana Systems Repairer: 11447
Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Maintenance Support Specialist: 10302
Radar Repairer: 12120
Multiple Launch Rocket System Repairer: 8958
Avionic and Survivability Repairer: 10845
City-Fortress System Repairer: 12878
Mana-Antimana System Repairer: 12120
Galvanic Maintenance Chief: 9812
Senior Missile Systems Maintainer: 9366
Integrated Family of Test Equipment Operator/Maintainer: 10302
Senior Electronic Maintenance Chief: 9812
Quartermaster Corps Branch
Automated Logistical Specialist: 9812
Petroleum Supply Specialist: 9812
Fule and Culinary Specialist: 10845
Laboratory Specialist: 12878
Mortuary Affairs Specialist: 11447
Parachute Rigger: 11447
Shower/Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist: 10845
Water Treatment Specialist: 10845
Unit Supply Specialist: 9812
Senior Noncommissioned Logistician: 11447
Zelu Beqi's Millitary Forces break down into the following divisions.
104451 units are assigned to the Infantry
123966 units are assigned to Combat Engineering Corps
42310 units are assigned to the Artillery Division
82444 units are assigned to the Airborn Artillery Division
186837 units are assigned to the Air Operations Corps
36651 units are assigned to the Arcane Branch
36475 units are assigned to the Special Forces
18766 units are assigned to the Armored Calvary
204341 units are assigned to the Signal Corps
55356 units are assigned to the Millitary Intelegence Division
10255 units are assigned to the Superweapons and Counter Superweapons Division
35784 units are assigned to Medical Corps
658509 units are assigned to the Logistics Division
Points of Interest
Zelu Beqi is presently located within the Koithei Trapazoid, a region in central Eyom unclaimed by any Empire due entirely to the presence of Zelu Beqi. The city-fortress's reasons for its present location are unknown. The city has moved to many points within the region over the last decade, seemingly searching for something, but potentially simply mining rare materials for its constant upgrades.